
  • Do you have a Will?
  • 您有遗嘱吗?

  • If you have minor children, do you have a current Will which names Guardians?
  • 如果您有未成年子女,您在遗嘱中是否为他们指定了监护人?

  • If the total gross value of all your assets is over $100,000 do you have an Estate Plan?
  • 您的资产的总价值超过了100,000美元?您是否已经有了遗产规划?

  • If you have a Living Trust, have you transferred your assets into it?
  • 如果您有生前信托,您是否已将您的资产转入信托?

  • In case you become disabled, have you nominated someone to handle your financial affairs?
  • 如果您不幸残疾,您是否已指定了某人来处理您的财务事宜?

  • Do you have a current Health Care Power of Attorney that provides the names, addresses and telephone numbers of your designated agents to handle your medical care if you’re disabled?
  • 如果您是残疾人,您目前是否有一份医疗保健授权书并提供指定代理人的姓名,地址和电话号码以处理您的医疗护理?

  • Do you have provisions in your Trust or Will that address the issue of death taxes?
  • 您的信托或遗嘱中是否包含如何处理遗产税的条款?

  • If you want to make gifts to charities at your death, are they clearly set forth in your planning documents?
  • 如果您想在离世时向慈善机构进行赠与,您的遗产规划文件中是否已有明确规定?

  • Do your planning documents clearly set forth how your personal property will be distributed at your death, including the care of any surviving pets?
  • 您的规划文件是否清楚地阐明了您的个人财产将在您离世时如何分配,包括照顾任何在世的宠物?

  • Since you signed your planning documents, have you changed your mind about any aspect of the plan?
  • 自从您签署了规划文件以来,您是否对原有的遗产规划改变了任何想法?

  • Has the value of your assets substantially changed since you signed your planning documents?
  • 自您签署遗产规划文件以来,您的资产价值是否发生了重大变化?

  • Have you substantially changed the kind of assets you own since your planning documents were signed?
  • 自您的遗产规划文件签署以来,您是否对您所拥有的资产类型进行了实质性的变更?

  • Have you recently been married, divorced or widowed since your estate planning documents were signed?
  • 自您的遗产规划文件签署后,您是否结婚,离婚或丧偶?

  • Have you had children since your estate planning documents were signed?
  • 自您的遗产规划文件签署后,您的家庭是否有新增加的子女?

  • Have your children had children?
  • 自您的遗产规划文件签署后,您的家庭是否有新增加的孙子/孙女吗?

  • Have any of your children been married, divorced or died since your planning documents were signed?
  • 自您的遗产规划文件签署后,您的子女中有结婚,离婚或过世的吗?

  • Have you, your spouse or child become physically or mentally incapacitated since your planning documents were signed?
  • 自您的遗产规划文件签署以来,您,您的配偶或子女是否在身体或精神上失去了自理能力?

  • Have you bought or sold a house or other piece of property since your planning documents were signed?
  • 自您的遗产规划文件签署以来,您是否购买或出售过房屋或其他物业?

  • Are you contemplating selling stock or other valuable assets with a low cost basis?
  • 您是否正在考虑以低成本出售股票或其他有价值的资产?

  • Have you moved between states since your planning documents were signed?
  • 自您的规划文件签署以来,您是否在各州之间搬过家?

  • If you have a Living Trust, are Medi-Cal triggers in place to ensure that at the appropriate time Medi-Cal planning can be implemented?
  • 如果您有一份生前信托,您是否有规定了适当的医疗触发时机(向低收入者提供医疗护理的州和联邦资助计划),以确保在适当的时候能够实施您的医疗救助规划?


Feel free to make an appointment with our firm to review your estate plan.
