
Power of Attorney: 授权书

You empower someone else to act on your behalf. Technically, this person becomes your “Attorney in Fact,” but is more commonly referred to as your “Agent.”

您授权其他人代表您行事。专业地说 ,这个人实际上成为了您的“私人律师”,但通常被称为您的“代理人”。


General Power of Attorney: 一般授权委托书

Provides your Agent with broad authority. It says that at any time – and in just about any capacity – your Agent can conduct business in your name. The Agent can be given great discretion.

为您的代理人提供广泛的授权。这意味着,在任何时候和几乎任何情况下 - 您的代理人都可以以您的名义开展业务。代理人可以有很大的自由裁量权。


General Durable Power of Attorney: 持久授权书

This is a General Power of Attorney that remains valid even during your incapacity.



Durable Power of Attorney for Health and Living Will:


These documents authorize termination of life support if you are terminally ill and appoint an Agent, of your choice, to make health care decisions for you if you become incapacitated.



Gifting Language:  赠与条款

Special language that may be drafted and included with your Trust document and Power of Attorney to give authority to gift assets to accomplish planning goals.



Medi-Cal Triggers:  触发医疗补助

These “triggers” or events can put into motion the shift of assets out of the name of the person who is incapacitated in order to qualify for Medi-Cal benefits.



Conservatorships/Guardianships: 监管/ 监护

This is the court-supervised proceeding which names an individual or entity to manage the affairs of an incapacitated person.


HIPAA Release: HIPAA信息透露授权

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, known as “HIPAA,” created privacy protections for medical information which prevents hospitals and physicians from providing your personal health information to anyone that is not listed in a signed HIPAA Release. This release allows the Agents under your Advance Health Care Directive/Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care, and the Trustees under your Revocable Living Trust to carry out their duties.

《健康保险可携性和问责法》(Health Insurance Portable and Accountability Act)被称为“HIPPA” ,它为医疗信息提供了隐私保护,阻止医院和医生向未签署HIPAA授权的任何人提供您的个人健康信息。HIPPA的信息透露授权允许在您的预先医疗保健指令/永久医疗保健授权书授权下的代理人和在您的可撤销生前信托下的受托人授权透露您的健康信息。